Monday 23 September 2024


 This leftovers site is my most precious place online. Even if it is being left until last to sort out

Now summer has officially ended - and  a glorious one for me, time to get to work... attempting to make really engaging several decades of glorious insight – much unusual.

But passing on to my daughter’s generation the GREAT culture  - that did insire and enlighten my generation and generations before, is the most important of all projects.

E.G. The films of Chaplin really did boost the Enlightenment..  paved the way for the counter culture and healthy progressive movements of the 60s. Ragged Trousered Philanthropist  is said to be majorly influential  in overthrowing the aristocratic order and maybe even WON elections for the egalitarians from the 40s...

Many of  my cohort we went to see the Three Colours films and came out of the cinema changed..  evolved.

 (all of us with a brain cell left know it is in a disatrous state and ONLY truly good art can now pull society out from the worst conceivable dangerous acedia.. ..and that means categorical proof of eco collapse UK last week announcing fist ever 'butterfly emergency'. John Osborne changed society.. as did George Elliot and Mary Shelly.. we have none of these people any more, why we have only sour societies, and no good art at all...

In Europe there is still some finest inspiring real art especially in film  - eg Intouchables, and literature...not any more in the UK)


Within this seemingly scrappy site soon i will add in many recorded talks. Me riffing with others on this mess. And sharing my recommendations in person - usually quite endearingly rudely ..

 i  make them laugh. Always (except the librarians)

For example with librarians with whom i will use as opener “ have you read Mars Room.?.[“no”, never] ...well you should.. RK weaves a tale that is brutal and rather bleak  - not my kind of book as i like fluffy life affirming stuff and all The Russians and all great seditious  European lit.. UK can never match) ...HOWEVER her magnificent poetical  magnum opus contains NO PITY.. thus i learned from her,....we do not learn from the confected pity of Oliphant et al...”

Most British librarians want me arrested for such a statement. (Except one Sarah from St Just – the only non dumbed down librarian of many i have quizzed for years -  her god Steinbeck)


I am going to make this site more dynamic – including 100s of recorded talks about literature especially... and film especially European art house.

Private real talks letting go all the way all with women. Most agree with my various takes, below and on my other sites.

And no sexist nonsense...ONLY a woman could get away with weaving in the mass murdering nasty bastard’s rather beautiful sections in her Mars man would have been allowed  by his ed to   pinch bits   from   the Unabomber...

And George Elliot was by FAR the bravest writer ever – Silas sticks two fingers up to church, aristocracy, mid and petty Bourgeoisie ..with genius, at a time when she could have been cancelled for real... actually stabbed in the back.

Monday 13 May 2024

woe is me

 I, me, never get down, but the one thorn in my side is not sorting these pages out, yet.

Moan moan is all i ever hear. ...

"woe is me ...something wrong with me [ fill in the trendy label]" 

(from others who one hoped may be good partial collaborators )

Nothing ever wrong with me,merely not enough days undisturbed with an electrical socket,  so as to do a  redesign of web pages etc

ONE DAY..i shall.

Because the 'culture'   the best i found over decades, i know is what created my own quite positive resilient thoughtful mindset

Wednesday 17 April 2024

launched but it is about GREAT ART or at least books....

Books...lists of the ones that motivate us really to " give it to the man..".


Thats the purpose of this list soon i will get back to work on

bits and bobs of the great culture have the last year appeared  on

FAR more importantly, I am arguably about 3x Erin Brockovich (did all my own law work, and the nett benefit to society = 3x hers... probably more in reality, but she is prettier than me so we give her that)  - see,  and i wrote in that site and ralphschism how this all came about because i had for many years prior to then read many proper real grown up liteature books. But the gotta be the best that take you fully into other worlds. And also those that ask deep moral questions (e.g. Silas Marner or Tolstoy's Resurrection maybe the greatest ever book of the real enlightemnment meets modernity). 

In 2005 i was told by every single legal campaigner in the UK (all on my 'own side') " you are going mad and very stupid, you cannot possibly get that law one can". IT was quite distressing - they really thought this. I was almost ostracised  from my new friends of the loose community of rights fighters!

BUT, because i had a well developed imagination with no legal training at all,  i could visualise what the law SHOULD be... when seemingy no one else, not even top High Court judges could. 

That may sound strange but it was a massive case (argably biggest legal test case this century) exploring what the law should be - how it should be applied, in the real world. And it was in fact proved (the win) that  my 'interpretation', entirley via my general imagination, was correct, and every lawyer and judge in the uk for several decades, wrong.

BOOKS did that... good books...not law books - i have never even browsed one, good books taking us into human story -  they allow us to figure right and wrong... even when everyone else has gone nuts      

Thursday 11 April 2024

 I have been given a few booklists by several women i value a lot,lately... they will be woven in, soon..

i am very busy trying to turn into something more readable - full time on it for months :-)

Sunday 21 January 2024

Tuesday 26 December 2023


I will get this site ship shape. 

The blue book.

And add at some point a 'list'. Very short. Only a few people have spoken to me about their own 'thing' in away i value them. In a way i would see them as good example to some younger human.

I know only one thing and DO have several some-year more intelgent female acquaintances who speak of society being 'dysregulated' or  'a glitch in the matrix' or worse,especially since 2020, but also from 2016. Well months of dialogues - serious talk, with one another of them -  the few who seemingly have some sanity left DO agree with my line for a year or more " only great culture can pull us through somewhere healtheir and more balanced" And as i am not a cynic i know that over my adult lifetime some great culture has worked for me.And i will create the fullest list possible soon.


Saturday 9 December 2023

 leftovers collection of good life afirming or dreadfully inteligent culture is is still under construction.......soon 

but i been busy ... especially as a week ago i encountered the ONLY children's boooks i ever wished to have encountered

a 'movement' by a truly special coupleof writers and artists... oneof whom, in person.really DOES tell it like it is..

Saturday 29 July 2023

The beginning

 Well, of the last 20 years...

I do believe the culture, after books, that stays within us as true guide, as to how to live; and in Britain the far harder quandary: who on earth are 'we'? 

Is the radio play.

As a few communicants of late have related, the BBC radio 4 or 3 plays have gone off the cliff into trite moaning sewerage  - as I have listened to 95% of them the last 20 years - my relaxation but also learning,   I know his is true. It is as if the formula the  'gatekeepers'  now only allow is plays about people with something 'WRONG' with them... and best of all their self pitying pea brains demand:  BY people with something 'WRONG' with them...

And whist of course 'diversity' and the need for society to also hear the voices of the damaged, is essential, this formula does not WORK. We are sick of it. If i turn on and there is a play starring the damagedc..i turn off within ten minutes.

The last time i could listen to a play about someone  - two people, wih something WRONG with hem... was Peter Souter's superb What Love Sounds like..

you can listen to here


curiously, not behind a paywall.... ??  despite him being a BBC writer

And because of his great writing.... he told me about people - the mess of love.... incidenally between a blind ....person and ...(i shall not spoil my opinion a cliff edger of the best sort)

Meanwhile.... i have no idea what society is now so i email from my main me to this one...

Maybe just for me... but i hope also my daughter for whom these pages were intended - GREAT culture... is timeless...

To start the radio list.

Here is he thing though, i have scoured a few years ago 'podcasts' and collections of radio plays elsewhere. There are a few channels on youtube where some great ones of the mid 20th c are  curated - but they only have a few.... USA cannot do the radio play at all....

So it really IS the BBC - And they (?) Put the Great Mike Walker behind a paywall... a £27 quid a listen my ohh my....

Perhaps Audible one can signup and download a load... (or record them - use audacity free software its superb... i use it many years to record but it needs a few tweaks to setings to work recording straight of a sreaming site)

temp quick list


Ralph Schism

06:59 (0 minutes ago)
to me

very out of date his wiki 

the Higham list better

especially tudors and plantagenets
The tsars also superb
Tale of Two Cities magnificent

i know, but dont enjoy history much but his writing brought them to life in amazing way

the 2022 Reckoning  also superb

maybe best list

i heard her  two 2019 plays v v good
dont know about rest

Tuesday 25 July 2023

 leftovers belongs to

Only present internet activity which is a way is the 'story' - ongoing, of encountering the EXTREMELY rare great mind as i landlope rather a lot, and chronicle whom i encounter sometimes, and who impresses me as great spirit, and if so then  shares with me their books and culture  which has bolstered their soul.

But too busy enjoyably landloping, and riffing as Ralph,  to fully write this up the last 6 months. But i have all the notes! :-) And will soon...ish.

Monday 10 July 2023



 from the superb German woman

25 year old Theresa...

7 July - she changed my life - ok i knew before ....but talk about so beautifully summing up the magnificent genuine intelectual journey European  younger people are taken on from young... and what a fearless debater (with me she was)

unlike any equivalent Brit

I told her "your recomendations, because i trust YOU...will go up alongside Cecile's, Thomas Berhanrd's and ..." is there one other?

This site will be redesigned properly, soon....

The photos of my blue book - a list of great books and films i started for my daughter damaged  by poisonous society is the start - photod here a year ish ago..

 (and NONE of a dozen middle class smug English women over the years and 3 suposedly enlightened mature erudite men my age just as smug ...all befriended - and THINGS DONE FOR THEM - many hours spent advising many of hem on truly mindfucking family issues......they never even ask "what could i do for you" UK ONLY is atomised into mass borderline personality disorder 

The ONLY (semi) 'intelectual i follow - with reservations as even SHE breaks 50 year long known RULES - you do NOT make personal comments about the physical appearance someone is born with unless it is a private joke among friends...

 (her talk about 3 months ago she refering to Bankman-Fried as looking gross.... and she repeated that childish bitch behaviour ref someone alse a few weeks later.)

within this ok discussion is the definition of mass BPD - however sexist in that for years i have part time done 'social work' with both sexes - including a LOT of community support face to face unmaskled with plenty of people in a real fuck up from spring 2020... and as of about7 years ago 75% of men i deal with deeply at length, including ALL my Uk frinds have exactly the same BPD behaviours - they hide them a little better but same nett effect

 (and i have a recorded chronicle of every word for 10 years up to last December when one woman  - a real intelecual, a Serb, at least spoke some truth -as i knew some years  UK society a hall of cracked mirrors you all try and check you three faces for eternal youth, but i am afraid time is up..... you created a society of selfish mini monsters, only interested in their own appetite for... self pity, attention, confected hurt,  and then all those more tangible  'addictions' ... and thats just the middle aged (ALL cause affect is in Affluenza)

objective: lass ruined by UK education despite her MA  - as the fabulous German puts into relief.. nudge guide into some better literature and film...

It starts with he blue book photod - maybe first 'post' - bottom right hand corner 'older posts'

NOT a blog just a cheap way of having a permanent free webpage or two..or ten...

will be mapped out soon

my laptop and external keyboards all worn out .... new one soon..

07958 526 three eight 1

Anyway the German....NOW i have a reason to really get to work on this.

Soon.... dad somewhat busy against all odds trying to be dad

But now..... his - the list... (i have discussed with quite a few the last wonderfully sublime few weeks...)

Monday 19 June 2023

cultural 'therapy'

having 6 weeks ago done my very very very last counselling meggajob on STANDARD screwy skewiff Uk families.... really hurting one 40 year old woman,...still. An inteligent person;  sometimes i try and set up a remedial culural program....
try and show her her rebel spirit and enuii at he English,  nothing new..and some wise guides;
she couldn't listen of course so, when it would have taken a week with some lessons from these, it took three..and failed.
But i know who was right (the  smartphone bugging..and just that... 
to be cont
mine never rings
no one any inteligent culture to share (asked so many suposedly sane peeps!)..except Emir...the Serb.... but

Friday 16 June 2023

 added to...very very very soon... all i care about is some decent culture.... was hoping to have a 'helper'  - she knows great culture too, no so cynical - living stuff.... hmm.... i have lists to add in here if, and when... 

Friday 9 June 2023

 leftovers will be improvedand revamped very soon.

This summer my limited web life will be tarted up. To leave for good

Wednesday 26 April 2023

nearly there!

 far far far too much talking about 'culture' to fools of late...wasting my time

SO just a few weeks ago...out of left field 

at last an inteligent debate on 'morality'

never mind yes girls CAN do rural exactly as us blokes can (the oposing notion has ruined my whole life and i never moan....nor does she !!! what a great movie...though i am a non violent protestor, by writing.... and no one ecven Trump desrves to be murdered...ever.... put em in a cage for life with Hollybush woman...i forget her name forgettable even if as EVERY good mind for miles knew the most evil Barbara ever)

And in fact there are a few truly deep themes (many will miss) in

the line about the brave (i may paraphrase) people staying put, is one of the greatest REAL philosophical lines of 50+ years of good cinema (Withnail is NOT!)...despite the bimbo stuff

Saturday 10 December 2022

One day i shall get to this properly.

One tough one is 'independent' cinema. Indies. 'art house'.

I am very much into deepest explotrations of the human condition and looking subtly at all of existence, but deciding which are the very best of more art house is perhaps hard to do. I personally agree one of the best films of all time is,_23_quai_du_Commerce,_1080_Bruxelles  as just voted by Sight and Sound

But i think i can be a little more precise when it comes to looking for the very best in film about how to overcome injustice. Or 'give it tothe man', but it cannot be too dour....

I have scoured the cannon for some years for those that maybe elevate the watcher into caring and maybe even doing...

I think these are some of the very best.

However i think inteligent comedy is also so much part of it. And in my book this gets about top spot.

And if you ask me one of the very best of all time about all being pride, ego, cant and vanity...and nyone can make up (a thing the seekers of 'justice' seem to forget too often, methinks), must be.

Wednesday 23 November 2022


 lovely 'figurative' word.


Except it also has a story behind it as good as Homer meets Kushner, and I win...



I hate seeming like i have scatterbrainitis. 


BUt a month or more ago after last ever two 'causes'  - environmental, yet again due utterly two faced absurd communication. i.e. lies...


people pleasing. It's an 'illness' ... i knew fait accompli is the only always best thing; Accept all had two faces, or three. And thus it is the kairos..(Ecclesiastes 3 in one word) and gradually i have elegantly disconnected from everyone....except one - she deserves a book written about her. It's weird...

And i shall not get the promised wages. But the experience - to LIVE within her mad world, is worth it as material.


Good for me.... leftovers will soon recommence - many spaces to fill in, and even some new art house movies from the floating lady  - wow!


BUt when i say " i have got rid of 90% of contacts in phone/ backed up in address book... " it is a real end of era. Only hope now...Franscesca (todays wonderful ‘find’ on the bus) concurs... she fab her dad gave  a Reith lecture! 

Accept no hope. Only passing on real deep literature and art to the next generation, has any chance of fixing what an utter dumbed down mess we are in...


Me i am always just fine. But i disconnect with grace and elegancy.... 


And now have


Thursday 13 October 2022

No question


about it.

greatest social justice movie of all time!
Never mind the greatest movie of all time.Never mind an exposition upon how a real man or his female equivalent sometimes has to get into a bit of jolly good old fashioned abduction and kidnapping

sadly not available as it was only a few years ago, free on the Tube...

"Sanctuary!" - Charles Laughton as 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' (1939)