Tuesday, 6 September 2022

the intended recipient.. or anyone else

now updated with funnies

7 th sept

THIS POST TO BE IMPROVED now i am in my grove.. really full steam ahead...no matter what

this is just a taste.... if anyone knows what words are for that is, rather than ordering slaves to cook your dinner

All the way time... this will also be 'published' one day in a book form about the books...and films too! and poetry...

And even greatest songs ...

 The 'blue book' this started with nearly a decade ago, will be transcribed soon into these webpages. And then at least 2 or 300 great literature books and arthouse films added to the list.

The last decade i have trawled the lists of arthouse and independent films watching 1000s,  and meandered the bookshops picking up the very best of 20th c lit (ehh...sorry except for Rachel  K,  I can't find much that's as good from the 21st C). I will report in findings in full. 

Will be ready by middle of September

unfortunately to have a little 'privacy' every few years i have created a new google id so my bookmarks are all over a fair few accounts...but there all still there. When i have time.

Unedited highlights below. Perhaps the greatest of the greats ...just in case the local animal murderers get me any time soon.... no not the 'hunt'. the ones who take public money and even more public regard,  regard for suposedly protecting the environment when they are in fact brutally burying alive badgers with cubs in their sets (2020 me filming from the undergrowth) and causing massive disturbance to protected birds; nesting areas that same summer...  they shoot far far more lethally than any drunken huntsman..


but there is this one film... from the 30s ..maybe my best find of all, i cannot yet find again...i have many notes. I remember most without needing them but this one evades...like someone else....who knows the name of the assasins... have been and would be



apart from being a jumbled mess written up thus far rather speedily with a laptop with a dodgy keyboard - yet to be fixed when i have 3 more hours of life fixing something that should never have broken in the first place ..and blogger doesnt want to provide the red squiggle at the moment which is the spell check system 15 years off and on...


I have 20 years not had a tv

occasionally i will hear of something (On Front Row usually) televised that sounds top of the zeitgeist and will look in on the pirate sites. What i see is predictable. Usually overblown. 

Exceptions Atlanta Donald Glover's masterpiece. Other endlessly top rate series are crass. Sopranos is a perverted bling obsessed nasty piece of work as the supposedly emotionally intelligent hero, rather than cuts a vital part offhis enemy in revenge, goes to his sexy shrink first, doesnt cut off the necessary bit....but always does later on...when hes having a really bad day, as someone threatens his pile of bling. This is crass nastiness of the nth degree in that The Guardian rate it as somehow some new ground in art... fuck off ..gratuitous violence dressed up in stylised psychowhatever is even worse than straightforward violence. 


Easier and better examples of the litmus test.


There may be two valid reasons for art: to show us how to live (well), and to show us the realities of our fellow humans.

In respect of the latter, reality is pretty bizarre and often rather sad...and getting more bizarre and sadder.

The former is easy. Take Erin Brockovic. Do something tough, that hurts...and in the end one evolves (victory never feels special  - been there got t shirt). Or maybe more important Tangerines shows us universal rules of vanity and ignorance may be just a LITTLE bit..transcended by a humble man who has some wisdom..and bravely applies it.

Ditto Even The Rain..


The corollary - in fact it is almost in both categories, is Nomadland. 

I know van people. No matter HOW hard life is, how shit, how damaging people have been, you get in your van and Smile...no matter how smelly you are, no matter how poor...

van life is ASIDE...normal bourgeois pretention and concerns....above really. I have never encountered a van person who does not have at least a partially lit unusual light in theitr eyes Nomadland is one of the wprst movies i have ever seen. It parasitises a false self pitying version of .unreality...for effect only.

Ditto Waller Bridge and her "anal sex" in every other sentence.

Art... doesn't need cheap shots.

And perhaps the best example of all is Sampson and Delilah - out of bleakness - the real true so beautifully portrayed bleakness, eventually the human spirit finds peace and something a bit healthier. There is no better film on how to live..

But the issue is we have a whole slew of films especially the last 15 years which we are TOLD are 'good. when they do neither of these two functions well. Moonlight a good example.  And then a  range of ..for want of a better word "ethnic" films....sorry Roma was flat and lifeless.In other words anything with a bit of the developing nation about it seems to get extra bonus points for just having been made. That is no way to welcome in TRUE spirit and talent from less traditionally cinematic societies. They are little more than patronised, and we (those who do need to learn as we have the tanks guns bombs and ruin their planet with our pollutants) are never challenged or made to think. Just smile along with everyone else who have been told be appalling (nowadays 'woke) critics who know nothing about inspiring cinema.

Killing Fields made us - Western Whitey...cry for a brown man. Because it showed us so beautifully he was better than a hundred of us put together. (whilst Withnail - watch it a few times and after the hype has worn off, you will see...very little in fact - it is a dull badly written film about not much new..)


I know the great films... those that just may wake you up to being a slightly new and more enlightened version of who you already are inside. 

And i know no other point OF sitting through a few hours of screen...

take not... excepting Columbus 2017 i have found nothing in the films of the last 15 ish years of note... and at least 75% if not more lead characters when theyre feeling a bit miffed or stressed by normal real life...always seem to be popping the 'xanax;' or some variant of prescription narcotic... methinks a bit of a problem creeping in...because intellectuals know that strategy never works..is the very opposite of how to live...never mind live well and grow


my list is good. Real. and i know Socrates would agree with every word... (Plato and Aristotle a bit dodgy on major things like....women should be DOING things in films not only having things DONE to them...as in all Sorrentino films i believe...)

And put Babette Feast against many older films or films of USA   - Babette alone has her kingdom...and she uses it only for good. She does only what she wishes... and not to hurt anyone. 

great writing can be found in other places than the standard "classics"

and can be used as perfect allegory on a radio interview with lass as to describe 

BBC "so what are the court systems like that you wish to protect the right to report on FULLY...you two?"
"Keith let me  ask my equal assistant to provide the script.. thank you sweetpea.... now as she was reading recently... Mister Adam's page on the Vogons so perfectly sums it all up... i need say no more than read it out for your listeners.."

THE ONLY 'mindfulness; and new age newspeak newwords...or is it 'newthink' they call it - sort of postmodernish (doesnt exist!) selfish thought about personal feelings and emotional intelligence - which does exist a bit but you need to LIVE life and crap to develop it the real version....... crap of the last 20+ years on mind body and soul, and how to look like you aren't rally wearing makeup when you still have a very expensive foundation on...and botox, the rich babe variety...

book...concept....one sentence which is all you need to ever know...from Mister Taleb's superb Black Swan..

a ferkin allegory.. though the one dimensional (described above) are too fanatical ever to read between the lines.

to paraphrase a tad but i have a lifetime of study and ponderation and real life experiencing others how their ways, cures, therapies....dont work on ANYone  - especially themselves...no matter how much they are cheating you out of for their mindfulness courses..

(i do their land... rusty carelessly discarded tools... broken down fences... compost heaps filled with plastic... i never opine i only deal in facts)


YOU CANNOT GET CHANGE FROM A MENU... all such is expensive self obsessed hospitality... hospitality is fake.... real life requires taking the plunge - jumping over the cliff... doing something else...and.. Mister Taleb's superb all you need to ever know about mind body [yes body too as angst and confusion wrack it with pain and contortion in ways you cannot know until...they have GONE! ..once yur mind is different] and soul  and one simply cannot ever ever ever know how one will 'feel' 'think' 'BE' until the event has happened. That event can be anything from first ever time in a dusty gaolhouse, to doing something you spent your whole life avoiding quite deliberately - having to speak in public or to a judge or just not having a shower week and getting on a bus, to having to hustle for every meal...to having a front tooth drop out and after being horrified but in time  realising in fact it makes you speak more thoughtfully to hide the lisp and look of a bar room drunk... or best of all being 'stuck' in a place populated only by lost fakes who steal from anyone they can to afford their next mindfulness retreat ... and no friends in truth.... but knowing in time being forced to remain in the last place on earth you would chose to be for many year well known reasons - somehow makes the very best of your inside persona stronger and maybe even helpful to others one day... never mind stoical...

many other better examples. There are however NO examples of how some decadent or dilettante behaviour enhances ... it doesnt work that way. There are no examples of how running away positively 'evolves' ditto...  there are NO examples of how relying on anyone for basic needs who one is in some worker relationship with or sucks up to ever helps... there are examples of how having to rely a bit on truly useless ignoramuses... you know are so....does 'help'

Mister Taleb. the only king of Mind Body and Soul

Even if the ignoramuses put it in the economics section.


thousand sof books to give away free...

This July.
THis Sait Exuppery is worth it - being on the 'list' if for o other reason that  for one line only towards the end he gives us all we ever needed to know about ALL humanity..

Saturday last in the town of the dentist - too late to have found at last my perfect hat ? 

poncy arts bag has chargers for 2 oldish...  wonky laptops and all the nonsense you need to keep a phone ticking over... it, battery pack if on awful whatsap -  so so narcissistically power hungry.

But then none of these books except the REALLY good ones..


i nearly forgot him!!

so dated yes...so wrong on inventing the word 'soulmates' - wait til yer fucked up the jaxi by one of them....  then you'll find out how wrong Camus was... no point living ever...


THE grea bok on helpmeet collaboration 1 + 1 = 3 to help save the actual real environment - their back yard- wilderness under threat


3 are needed... the combined effect of 1 and 1 together  does apart from providing backup if the landowners come and kill one of you - who will feed the ferrets or hedgehogs or goats or ponies or...

give you the oomph to

do it

propper and



Lesley and Richard 


Bridge Across Forever...


i say to anyone these days

after my very best friend in the world helped me by spreading poisonous incorrect gossip about me in front of an old woman suicidal i had recruited her to help me with caring...til i discovered what a fake she was - all for lonely self pity and to hide her truly guilty conscience...she conned even me as everyone later laughed and i thought i was immune hah hahh... after 2010 that is and a certain writer ..of fiction, for others who then harmed me on her behalf... thank you - skin as tough as leather baked in the real sun..


and its good to never ever be afraid of anyones words ever... and that takes a lifetime of hard work



A famous musical maestro... who told the truth once....sort godfather

but wouldnt share..

is 20 years of work on The Sublime..

before he isnt very sublime any more cos he is dead

with his personal book researcher for ten of those years...me..and the person he knew was by LIVING the sublime, inheriting is living interest and beginning a decade ago to speak and write about it better than him...

so he never found 'it'.. because its for us all ..if we can pin her down that is.

I did in 2020.

One day i shall write it - but the deal is i KNOW that we all need to come to it without the involvement of another because then we can truly trust 'it. ..unmitigated. Uncorrupted.. pure..


so he did the right thing in he end - his....even if he never found that which i 'fond' in that last few sentences.  Anyone wo shows a child or any other human a 'religious;' or theosophical' or 'spiritual' way that they say will benefit them...is doing the exact opposite of benefiting them. It will come to you....when the kairos comes..

just so happens for me 17 years ago.. reinforced by events 2010..


I still have utterly no idea what the 'powers' or 'disembodied intelligence' consider the RULES to be..for 'us'....what the 'deal' is... and anyone that says they do or writes it for money,,, is a fraud. Ponzi scheme operator.  As of course was he too... fab conductor though - changed our lives always sat front row a decade at his gigs... if i were honest apart from enjoying learning his art by always sitting next to him...so dad could fantasise about what he would like to be dong with all those gorgeous sexy uptight nervy looking  violinists too...

THE most interesting picture in UK academe about UK academe  - except one is missing

Muster Bernhard's Extinction.... 

because UK academe does not and will not 'teach' the master of all modern life philosophy and glorious sedition.... because he uses as vehicle a light parody on academe...and it is TOO good for UK academe...

as the pinnacle of UK academe Mister Grayling proved to me last time we met for an hour... 


anyone that went to any so called Redbrick uni sue for your money back

Load of effete creeps every single professor and fellow (as is the photod man above...or was)


THE greatest book of the last 70 years and they never heard of him....


BUt then when the same man tells me that he insists all his students read one story from one of these books..


One you will read a review in your evil latterday Gardian about it being about a duffed up woman who goes to gaol...

when it is only a universal book in fact about the 'light' and human soul in a magnificent poetical way, in the face of tyranny

their (Guardianthink) tyranny to review it as such

as there is NO self pity in it

and we learn

we never learn from self pity or any pity


certainly the greatest book this c


then we have

the other 

Includes a story that is so so so  bleak - as bad as The Road in fact worse..

that a man charged with inspiring young people makes young people read a story where a young person must be sacrificed in a rather nasty way every now and then.... and everyone knows of the long lingering death of said child... to save the rest of the children, and everyone else..


is worse than the fuckin death cultist self pitying big fat book called the Christian bible...

even if all words even malicious thieving words such as the whole bible in toto can be used to advantage now and again – has some great lines in it “let your yea be yea and nea be neigh..” basis of all civilisation. Hate the sin not the sinner - basis of all therapeutic culture even if they cant teach it  etc

even if there is every reason