

EXTRA FOOTNOTE ON... hmm "what really is the process of forgiveness?"

Having been a minor national 'commentator' on families etc from 2003 - wonderful hilarious baptism of fire as it started from a fiery Portuguese gaol in an actually HOT summer where they had their world record hot day 48.6 degrees...airless cells...folk dying...  get the fuck on with life. It is for the living..


.......and the basic rules are simple - they even worked it out in the great sky fairy book 2000 years ago that harbouring bad deeds within corrodes the soul of the baddie and all baddies were born goodies so if they can somehow be helped to share the bad stuff it may save their life too...

Ever since i have had one ear open for wiser words on things like 'forgiveness'. ...You should see what someone wrote to a judge almost 20years to the day when i had had yet another marvellous so so happy few days at Aberdovey with my lass... 

not believed by three mag.. at which point they should have slapped a wrist as even if it appears to be a female one  [ when in fact a truly sad lost man was her pimp...for his personal self hatred at him leaving his children behind..deserted them a few years earlier in of course i was a 'threat' to everyone for miles knew i never would.. and my lass was the happiest healthiest most friendly lass that age for miles..

false allegations  kill people. False allegation  capitol of the world probably first equal with USA..they DONT do it in lovely EU....


Anyway yes basic soul fixing 101... letting someone get away with so terrible lies is of course bad for them...turns them into a court papers from 2005 kindof hinted at...

ancient history

And too many complex sub plots nothing to do with me.

I just had a rather peaceful happy life with lass of ZERO conflict or angst with anyone - even the lying evil landlady supposed matron of the area  (i have recordings-  that aint defamation) who took my money 6 years quite happily then booted us out to have tourist tenants despite writing a  letter to me a few months earlier she wasnt going to ...

so sad... even sadder a recent find - literary lady..i met her on her daughter's 21st... she wished to share with me how she found her female friends such liars... (bookshop at the dentist town)

and seemed to agree with me when i did my speech " i am 1 million percent feminist equalicist..thats what the legal case was about..women are liberated if blokes get half the childcare no matter what... plus all science says kids benefit from being around both genders a lot.... thats ancient history but the way it has gone.... women rightly should immediately have 50% of board seats and mp jobs...we said that 40 years ago.. deal with  the fucker and so we can move on...but... these false allegations i know there are zillions....small towns all around here..good people mainly men but more women too these days..  their soul corroded by very nasty false legations. thats cheating if i were a woman or anyone i would wish my quite righteous victory - proper equality, to be gained by ONLY FAIR MEANS,,,if one uses foul means it devalues the whole thing" 

said she agreed....  then seemingly ran away crying after she was offered 5 grands worth of books for free (honouring her openness and honesty)in writing, no strings.... and told i love sort of a Sprout...

no hope ever in Uk ever.. why i know i must dump the books....


so, forgiveness... context re below... too dull and long a story. very minor occasional encounters with tragically lost and dysfunctional money grabber woman (proof available  - her honest friends would sometimes hint) and other family 2006 - 10...

being illegal act  - famous court paper ripped up by him most gloatingly Jan 2010    ..and obvious he will get his insane plod friends to cause trouble if i knock on any doors (never did) 

after we have the episode of the first tragic "flawed" [her word] 'people pleaser'... .......for a few months lost and deceiving ...


 my mother is asked to go knock on the door of her only grandchild stolen despite most famous court order in uk.... quite a few times...she never did... then when by a miracle a few months later i caused a sort of new start " demand you go and stay at your granny's house'' [ not the fascist side of family all lying militarists who were complicit having daughter stolen from the egalitarian, green, pacifist with unblemished record [according to courts - the real version... 2004-6]  who had black people to stay at daughter and dads  (them stating to each other "must save her from that...him...she will get infected"

having had the miraculous break of using granny as sort of maybe neutral ground for the first time ever....  entirely coming to pass due my efforts... hadnt seen only daughter 4 months.... granny doesnt even sit her down in her kitchen "why don't we give dad a call.." never mind drop her off...

now most folk would say Lady Macbeth made to look like an amateur by that one...

which is true but all that matters is what is and how to... forgive.. move on but you never really do..i mean what if she died of covid (bet a cofactor is internal poison) would i get a call? 


anyway .. forgetting all these losers... because innocently that is what they are. 

Maybe a 'rule' for forgiveness. 

Though all 'rules' of how to live - thats the problem hearing this new cohort of sort of 'lifecoach' speakers then every pious self righteous act on radio 4 its an act as to GET on radio 4 you have to be lethally sharp elbowed..)

 they ALL 'people please' or just say the first clever sounding thing to get admiration for themselves...and thus if they sound really groovy invited back on radio 4 this time with a fee.

I know in person 3 or 4 of these people - in their real life they are all angry frauds. Hilarious event me recording a chat 3 years ago with local god squad.... my actual joke-partner friends..... he said something so rude about me someone he didnt know except for briefest street corner chats over 15 years... even they who did know me were shocked at his behaviour...which was just ignorant and jumping to his horrid conclusions..about me...they knew was heir unjudgemental friend 



anyway forgiveness. I think the real version is that if possible....somehow... one has to  add in a step. I know t should just be universal. No conditions. 

But then there is real life especially in totally lost societies like UK (many intellectuals now agree though it was obvious from about 2005ish.... )

Thing is if the person who did a bad act.. or more likely sort of loose cabal. ....are so genuinely dysfunctional by some reasonable objective measure... and have been for years.... well they cannot slow down, stop...and ponder what it really means....

 or at least takes a LONG long time..... for them to be honest about themselves with themselves...  and as literature and many good autobiographies clearly tell us a good dose of life threatening corvid or heart attack often helps....

is the spark in Dr Frankenstein’s lab to creating an actual 'human'... in the post enlightenment fairly simple fair minded person vein...  without tyrannical narcissism ('mass formation')  the rather wonderful Sprout  Desmett if now arguing  started around beginning of the 20th c...

 Anyway forgiveness.... maybe it is more intelligent to indeed have provisos... 

i am sure it is in the sky fairie book " hand out olive branch and draw a line in the sand.." the mother of my lass was told that by a fine first ever black judge in wales, in 2004. she couldnt listen. Ever.

But then she came from the most murderous part of Europe in the 20th c so it is ENTIRELY my fault for being so narcissistic and thinking she would be fine and we would be fine..i would see it so...


 My point: if one offers forgiveness baubles on olive branches. And they are real ! (i have been tested )  even the least narcissistic fool in the land is goin to sit there for weeks or months with it in the subconscious " maybe ...just maybe... that will have worked.."

And this he cannot resume LIFE... that is no life...


so..if one knows 99.999% certain that  a range of people simply are so tragically dysfunctional, don't know basic fairly good 'rules' of being fairly peaceful in the end as a human.... and that 5 decades have only proven that.... time and again..

 well.... is it mad to still think one should??



all i know is Houellebecq in his mainly magnificent literature got it wrong...  the end of one of them, i think Atomised.. he had just such a woman  - fake bohemian 'beautiful people' the expensive boutique fake hippy Biba etc are expensive... to get one the money for, one  requires being sharp elbowed. Or a liar....

his version ...on her death bed  she in a darkened room all alone no real friends.... the estranged for years son (loony bin lite) ...she had chosen rich boyfriends and expensive lifestyle over him....basically tells her she is a witch and he hopes she is in a lot of pain....


that should never ever be done...or whoever made her such a baddie ...wins....

and anyway its a waste of breath they may not be able to hear with all that death rattling ongoing











an unlisted page i am sending a link to to very very few. 

first draft to be improved




I need help.

This is so so grand finale important. 

I need opinion.

One life - mine - is happily not far from over, but another that may go on half a century more it has been many years my duty to attempt to find words that may help her have a lerss angsty half a century.

BUT.... ohhh my ohhh my...

Fifteen years i have been at 'this' - 'this' is hard to describe succinctly. Especially as in regions like my home region the education and 'culture' became so utterly anodyne. I once knew a wonderful man from Belfast  - he alone got it. Because he also as well as like me being a real deal child psychological good health campaigner, also he owned a bookshop.


In a few  sentences we became as a society so so fearfully anodyne. So terrified of  real engagement. A nation of "people pleasers" (an official illness according to NA and its VERY dangerous!). 'Help' ing another human in a mess requires days of sometimes risky real engagement. I know i used to do it for mums and dads in a  terrible mess from mid 00s.  Once for example demanding the ex policeman Jim who lived near his kids sports grounds he hadnt seen two years (courts saying he should but as usual evil Cafcass failing to ever act - usually, they are very fat so waddling to some meeting i guess must be so hard for them so bless their souls i am sure they thought about it or wrote an email about it) and was killing them all from inside ...demanding that i take him to the playing fields after sports to meet them again with the rugger coach they all knew as bridge across.... fuck all just silly stuckness. 

And because i read good books. Proper ones. Bernhanrd's Extinction, Rachel's Mars Room, and a recent entrant, Bella's How to Kill your Family...well, one learned decades ago with  some of the greatest satire ever created in Reggie Perrin,  that absurdist satire upon all our houses is extremely useful  - maybe because the inability to not take ourselves so damn fuckin seriously has destroyed UK from the inside. No one CAN do anything 'real' due all this self regard..pandemic of. 

Some of us knew 15 years ago.... and for 12 years i have innocently  - the STANDARD MODEL...of simple humanity, sought one or other good influence - simple straightforward stuff....    even if i started January 2010 with the ;local evil vicar in Hay, so called  Father Richard asking him to invite lass to tea as we used to go to see classical concerts in his evil church.... and everyone laughed at his famous dogs.... and he knew us....  and would have been good neutral broker....

Nope...lying creep..fraud...  homos of course cannot read "it takes a village to raise a child.." and realise it may apply to him, too... all he ever thought about is how his pathetic penis gets raised as he regularly parades the streets of Hay with his latest younger boyfriend... he would then parade risqué, so modern..

Anyway forget him,  then followed 12 years of attempting to find some woman as good influence for my lass....  simple straightforward humorous bridge.  Good body language  - because there has never ever been any problem except a militaristic step family (including older siblings) who hate all green and peaceful people who may get in the way of them making money bombing Russia ..or far more likely some less well defended raghead country as thats what bullies do..pick on those least likely to fight back.....none of which has anything to do with me except  such people have always since biblical times used others  - especially children, as weapons in defence of their cant vanity and pride..


 Anyway....great literature and education....  teaches us ...when uk was a BIT 'great'  - 1960s gave us ...That Was The Week That Was....  and its extraordinary how little has changed... the great ABSURDIST satire of probably all we have...  still. 

And i became good at that.

Even if i could never equal the exquisite quick humour of Mrs " is it a scratch n sniff then"

Though darent share my real self around this anodyne region of dangerously scornful Little i hide 

VERY happily.


But foolishly for especially the last few years i fr4om time to time industrially attack the female of the species with actual real life. Which their online nonsense cannot dare to discuss:  


My obvious requests 12 years to so so many - fair few real friends:

"Here is a lass, maybe if you help her by somehow trying to engineer some way forward from her stuckness  ... white lies are ok.. there are no issues...  no dangers .. mad step family save their illegal copper stuff [having corrupt mates at local well known dodgy Welsh nick] for me...think we showed them whats what summer 2018..... you'll be ok... " hope..... i knew years ago in other arenas - environmentalism one.. the most selfish scaredy cat society ever existed...  so self obsessed - my first 'candidates' were several yoga preaching utter centre of the 'community' ultra goody goody mindfulness really down to earth friends... nope may as well be asking a hologram to be a real human being and help - as its my daughter especially who they knew would have benefited... good neutral friendly influence...


So only absurdist comedic thoughtbubbles are left.... to me... so be it. Keeps me going... a sort of mental Homeric joke book... 


I suppose i will be leaving these lands in a few months. 

The reason is not brexit, or terrible bigotry one hears in places like Herefordshire and Powys (2020 the amount of people i heard - middle aged people even town councilors, saying "its the blacks that are spreading it you know..." - i make recordings for a chronicle, and have a few...)

or famously  about the worst record on the environment in Europe the last decade....


it is in fact the terrible pandemic (that does NOT happen in Europe) of malicious false allegations.... hearing/reading two women in one fortnight (last few weeks) communicate their terrible experiences to me  - one of these women i know very well as do many in her town and know she is pure sweet and gentle yet a woman made a 3am haul-out-of-bed-by-the-coppers false allegation so nasty about her, it traumatised even me to hear about this (in front of a witness who is a woman and unimpeachable)


This is eating our society out from the inside and is a permanent true horror. Most men won't talk about it but i can tell you many think and worry about it a lot. It only harbours true dystopia in years to come as unless someone can start to open up on this the subliminal anger it often does cause  - a false allegation.... scars for decades. 

Anyway good for me if i can one day get away....


And furthermore the 'ghosting' my god there became little point in communicating with anyone, years ago.... (as a serious and respected societal operator).


fear... your country. All too weird for me.


But as a sort of last spurt i am liaising with a few women and one chap to try and leave some useful stuff behind as it were.

Especially (most happily) a woman known many years who has been shafted (for about 50 k and shes lower middle class doesnt have much) by one of the uks most revered commentators who has property and business in Hay-on-Wye where he sells himself as some ultra cool goodie goodie...


funny story (genuinely) i known him years and 15 years ago meeting im with my daughter in the hills obvious he was literally insane - he denied a many CENTURY public footpath going through his property - on the os map...we had with us....didnt exist..[ he gives talks at the OU.. thats how insane UK can be] 

so i am working on this big biblical 'forgiveness' thing on behalf of the woman .. she is well known in region...kind of mother hen to many....

trying to counsel her the TRUE victory over this man is to offer olive branch of forgiveness... (she is suffering immensely even her family - her teenage nephews, have been sent  truly evil facebook messages " your aunty is a thief she stole our deposit on stalls ..[ for an event she was arranging - he unlawfully tore up contract at last minute she had from him 2 years with large deposit paid to rent a large space ... 1000 tickets issued 150 quid a weekend... ] 

i know the man... he will be so so shocked if he hears some human response from [me putting my words into ] her may just swing him to pay up for her out of pocket 50 grand (he multi millionaire)

Anyway it just got me thinking of  'forgiveness'.


The context of the following is

to keep it as so so simple as possible

I think it speaks for itself though i never plan things out, one thing not clarified, is that i received in spring 2011  about the worst phone call one could ever receive - from a Judas. In fact sadly for her memory she will go down maybe in history as one of the worst ones  (she was invited to be at a top 250 quid a ticket  London conference in late 2006 at the hotel they poisoned the Ruskie just a few days later, where her granddaughter and son were there as national symbol of healthy father and child fact the massive conference even Harriet Harmon was at was basically ABOUT them.. her and him... !!!)  

....She didnt know that in 2011 she called me by accident  rather than the call to suck up to the man who unlawfully 18 months earlier instigated the theft of my child from me...


she will be a famous future Judas.. because for a decade.. well 12 years..i have been writing a lot and some is very good - i have been told by London day some of it will get published.. and my copious diaries and films and recordings are a large archive of the real face of uk .... 

I have NEVER met anyone in Herefordshire or Powys 'worth' naming and shaming - they are all so so shallow and inept at being the nasty people they dream of being, so anonymity all around  is my own wish....  my wonderful chronicles are so deidentified... 


All i have really cared about is how i may find some neutral easy person...has to be female for obvious reasons...sort of there as mutual loose acquaintance to daughter and dad... in 12 1/2 years  i have loosely and organically floated these thoughts around 25 ish women...all of whom make out they are the bees knees... 

Not one ever actually offered any real straightforward suggestions even of how to get through the bramble really is as if we entered the land of the Teletubbies years ago... 

 ....  herein though two in my opinion excellent fun REAL last questions i have ...  long long perused. 

Should she know? 

Do i leave this or some version of it in an online vault for after i die of boredom as its real life doing REAL stuff for other folk  and i know no one for years who ever can.


nb a bit creepy making vids of self but then i was thinking this afternoon super enjoyed pilates instructors even in the stix think nothing of it - being chirpy into the selfie camera - made me very happy autumn 2020 seeing those excellent vids indeed do it...

and anyway 

(more important - obvious BASIC psychology)

WITNESS... i even asked the god squad.....

'witness' means can give simple ordinary words if one expires " nope dad wasnt bitter and twisted... quite sparky really most of time..for example 2020 from April; when all the god squad were feeling sorry for themselves and hiding [many recorded calls in  my chronicle of the real version of uk which is far more about brexit in fact and how many dozen my 'side' did absolutely NOTHING to join in the political process which requires posters going up etc...nope they just bitched at each other....  corvid just the icing on the cake..... of them  - local church elders, saying they were doing just that].. went out and made more new friends than in all rest of life put together..and did a fair bit of service in the community.... those who believed in immortality seemed to be rather remiss in remembering even their main fliippin sales focus,  existed... "


but forget that - a one off.....simple as. I asked my many year supposed sort of best friend that a year ago - him total 100% official God squad.... we speak hours most weeks - Socratic debates for hours sometime son brexit morality the lot........ for 7 years... known for 10.

i found it extraordinary when i suggested that PRIVELAGE that i would like to appoint im as go to in the event of someone shooting me or an escaped ferret dining on me one cold winter night.. he got so angry. So so angsty.... despite being an elder in the Moormon church of really lost it is just about the first rule of terrestrial 'justice'..make sure the true story can be passed on. especially as if a child doesnt hear this and she is stood by my grave to spit on one day she will assume one year...after the standard UK disaster of madness and drugs maybe abates down the line " oh my...i ruined his life.. ow can i ever have any peace [and she wont] " so sad as  no she didnt as my life wasnt ruined.


so yes when Greg was asked this a year ago " can i put you down as main go to person ... just make sure she knows... dad was quite positive and always good energy... you were 'witness'... /" he gets so so so uppity as if he had been asked to hand over all his ill gotten South African oh my...


One cannot even be sure of a gift that costs no one anything in this mad selfish angry country: someone who will tell a truth they well know is true... at a fuckin funeral. 

So i guess its an ok thing even if my hero Thomas Bernhard made so much absurdist satire against them arising... the camera exists. 

I never lie to mine. 


Nor my superb (well read) brown halfbreed friend Maverick.

For two years we have had a daily dialog of the most insulting conceivable satirical absurdist messaging...

like me he wants nothing... big beefy builder but true poet and literary genius

raised himself on John Cooper Clark, the best of punk, Dylan,   and is only British man i have ever met - and know - ie getting to know him properly,  who truly likes women 

He knows  that our messaging for 2 years in fact will one day be published as it is the answer to the completely false political correct 'diverse' nonsense that took over and he hates more than anyone...

There has never been any more rude and foulmouth dialog between two humans (as him and i). But it is so beautifully poetical and through it we express also love....real love.... solidarity and fellowship.... i tell him everything. There are no limits. Ever.. which is how humans should be...

words are irrelevant, only actions matter. 


Anyway he would never falsely opine "ohh poor you" 

in answer to the following last week he would write " great spot for you to take yourself to with a rope and save humanity from any more of you"

Shakespeare wrote quite correctly tragedy + time = comedy. 


Me to Mav last week, 

3 messages out from me of many in our whatsaps and texts - we are often at each other all day. some become truly funny:

i am parked next to....for a decade my lass and i owned this top parking  spot.... suss out who passes by and  wants to play with our ferrits ( always onboard, on road tripzz...Kerouac pathetic fraudster.....our road tripzzz were the actual reel fing...)




for a decade every summer every few weeks my lass would be on this helter skelter...50 yards from our official parking spot next to the beach - get there by 8am, it's  always free........havent been here since she was stolen 12 years ago....couldnt face it...til now..... feel the pure emotion and me at this 'moment'.... i havent seen this for 13 years.... hasnt changed at all in 20...nuclear bomb to my poor pathetic soul....  hashtag suicide






the early bird catches any worth worming.


fuck off i own this spot...


theres a tune for every occasion...